1. be associated with 令人聯想到
ex: Valentine's Day is usually associated with spending lavish (揮霍的) amount of cash on your sweetie.
2. mark the occasion 慶祝某一重大時刻
ex: On this year's Valentine's Day, I propose marking the occasion by spending time talking about money (理財) as well(同時也).
3. what else 還能怎麼樣
(1)Some couples talk about money all the time, and I wonder(納悶) what else they have to talk about(他們還能談什麼).
(2)What else would you do besides taking the exam next year?
4. no more than 不超過
ex: Enter the money meeting, a scheduled time of no more than an hour each week to discuss money matters.
5.someone think that 某人認為
ex: You would think that after years of thoughtlessly peppering my husband with financial questions as he tries to watch TV, I would have discovered myself that couples should convene the money meeting(召開理財會議) each week.
6.be on track to do something 朝著達成某事邁進
ex: We are on track to reach our goals.
7.the nuts and bolts 基本要素
ex: Couples might need to work together on the bill-paying part too, so that they both understand the nuts and bolts of their financial life.
8. divvy up 分攤
ex: Many couples divvy up the duty by bill.
9. walk the dog 溜狗
10. duo 二人組
ex: The financial evaluation should always be done as a duo(二人一起來做).
11.upbringing 教養
ex: Many money habits stem from(由...造成) a person's financial upbringing.
12. no-finger-pointing 不帶指責的
ex: He advocates that couples should hold a no-finger-pointing, tear-free money meeting. The key to making this meeting work is to make it as emotion-free and nonjudgmental (不批評對方的) as possible.
13.what if 要是...該怎麼辦
ex:What if after your meeting you learn that opposites(對立的雙方), indeed, attract(相互吸引)?
14.for goodness' sake==for god's sake 看在老天的份上
ex:You should do good for goodness' sake.(看在老天的份上你應該做好它的)
15. The only way to find out what your significant other (配偶或長期的同居人;對個人的行為、自尊心有重大影響的長輩或平輩人)thinks of your financial system is to ask.