1. 当你malloc()一块很小的内存是, glibc调用brk(), 只需要在heap中移动一下指针, 即可获得可用虚存, 这样分配得到的地址较小.
2. 当你malloc()一块较大内存时, glibc调用mmap(), 需要在内核中重新分配vma结构等, 他会在靠近栈的地方分配虚存, 这样返回的地址大.
3. 这个较小和较小的临界值是一个通过mallopt()调整的.
4. 当然, 除了上面的规则, malloc()还有自己的算法, 来判断到底采用mmap()还是brk(), 一般和虚存碎片有关.
/* Allocate the new heap block. */
//两种方式,一种是sbrk() 另一种是mmap()。后面做为一个专题介绍
__malloc_lock_sbrk ();
/* Use sbrk we can, as it's faster than mmap, and guarantees
contiguous allocation. */
block = sbrk (block_size);
if (likely (block != (void *)-1))
/* Because sbrk can return results of arbitrary
alignment, align the result to a MALLOC_ALIGNMENT boundary. */
long aligned_block = MALLOC_ROUND_UP ((long)block, MALLOC_ALIGNMENT);
if (block != (void *)aligned_block)
/* Have to adjust. We should only have to actually do this
the first time (after which we will have aligned the brk
correctly). */
/* Move the brk to reflect the alignment; our next allocation
should start on exactly the right alignment. */
sbrk (aligned_block - (long)block);
block = (void *)aligned_block;
__malloc_unlock_sbrk ();
#else /* !MALLOC_USE_SBRK */
/* Otherwise, use mmap. */
block = mmap (0, block_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
#endif /* MALLOC_USE_SBRK */
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