2009年8月27日 星期四

使用u boot了解flash的特性

根據 K9W4G08U1M spec知道256MB 8-bit NAND 1 page data size= 2048 Bytes=0x800 Bytes


1. 從bytes offset from start address of #0 page dump 1 page大小的內容
nand dump [bytes offset from start address of #0 page]

nand dump 0 //從offset 0 bytes dump 1 page大小的內容
nand dump 600000 //從offset 0x600000 bytes dump 1 page大小的內容

2. 從memory addrss 顯示 # of objects記憶體內容
md [memory address] [# of objects]

# of objects的意義,如下例所示# of objects為4, 1 object大小為4bytes
20008000: ea000013 e59ff014 e59ff014 e59ff014 ................

md 20008000 200 //從memory address 20008000 dump 2048 bytes (0x200*4)內容

3. 由於256MB 8-bit NAND 1 page data size= 2048 Bytes, 所以使用
"nand write [memory address] [bytes offset from start address of #0 page] [# of bytes]"指令時
[# of bytes]須為1 page (data size= 2048 Bytes=0x800 Bytes)的倍數, "nand read 和nand erase"
沒此限制,"nand erase" 是以block (1 block=64 pages)為單位,若erase大小未滿一個block大小,會erase一個block大小

nand write 20008000 0 800 //OK
nand write 20008000 0 7f0 // not OK

nand info
//查看NAND的大小與data width 再去找相對應的spec, 看page data size大小, 一個device有多少個pages,以"256MB 8-bit NAND"為例1 page data size= 2K Bytes=2048 Bytes =0x800 Bytes,一個block大小是64 (0x40)pages=128K Bytes=131072 Bytes , 一個device共有128K (0x20000) pages(page編號為0x0到0x1ffff) 2048 blocks, 以下是Android在Samsung C100上flash partition table:

0x00000000-0x00040000: "uboot" 2 blocks
0x00040000-0x000c0000: "unknow" 4 blocks
0x000c0000-0x00100000 : "misc" 2 blocks /dev/mtdblock0
0x00100000-0x00600000 : "recovery" 40 blocks /dev/mtdblock1
0x00600000-0x00900000 : "kernel" 24 blocks /dev/mtdblock2
0x00900000-0x00a00000 : "ramdisk" 8 blocks /dev/mtdblock3
0x00a00000-0x04d00000 : "system" 536 blocks /dev/mtdblock4
0x04d00000-0x09000000 : "cache" 536 blocks /dev/mtdblock5
0x09000000-0x10000000 : "userdata" 896 blocks /dev/mtdblock6
total 2048 blocks


dd if=/tmp/uboot.bin of=/dev/mtdblock/0 bs=128k conv=sync


dd if=/tmp/uboot.bin of=/dev/mtd0 bs=128k conv=sync

我們可以write kernel image into flash or read kerenel image from flash under Linux
dd if=/dev/mtdblock2 of=zImage bs=128k conv=sync
dd if=zImage of=/dev/mtdblock2 bs=128k conv=sync

"uboot"=> from page 0x0 (0x0/0x800) size=0x40000-0x0 (bytes)=0x40000/0x800 (pages)=0x80(pages)=2 (0x80/0x40)(blocks)

"unknow"=>from page 0x80 (0x40000/0x800) size=0xc0000-0x40000 (bytes)=0x80000/0x800(pages)=0x100(pages)=4 (0x100/0x40) (blocks)

"misc" => from page 0x180 (0xc0000/0x800) size=0x100000- 0xc0000(bytes)=0x40000/0x800 (pages)=0x80(pages)=2 (0x80/0x40)(blocks)

"recovery"=>from page 0x200(0x00100000/0x800) size=0x600000-0x100000(bytes)=0x500000/0x800(pages)=0xA00(pages)=40 (0xA00/0x40)(blocks)

"kernel"=>from page 0xc00 (0x00600000/0x800) size=0x900000-0x600000(bytes)=0x300000/0x800(pages)0x600(pages)=24(0x600/0x40) (blocks)

"ramdisk"=> from page 0x1200 (0x00900000/0x800) size=0xa00000-0x900000(bytes)=0x100000/0x800(pages)=0x200(pages)=8(0x200/0x40)(blocks)

"system"=>from page 0x1400(0x00a00000/0x800) size=0x04d00000-0xa00000(bytes)=0x4300000/0x800(pages)=0x8600(pages)=536(0x8600/0x40)(blocks)

"cache"=>from page 0x9a00(0x4d00000/0x800) size=0x09000000-0x04d00000(bytes)=0x4300000/0x800(pages)=0x8600(pages)=536(0x8600/0x40)(blocks)

"userdata"=>from page 0x12000(0x9000000/0x800) size=0x10000000-0x9000000(byes)=0x7000000/0x800(pages)=0xE000(pages)=896(0xE000/0x40)(blocks)

6 .在Android是如何mount mtd partitions:

(1)首先看 ramdisk.img中init.rc (init script)有幾行mount mtd partions的動作:

mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev

(2)/init會parse init.rc :
int main(int argc, char **argv){

parse_config_file("/init.rc")(parse_config_file()-> parse_config()->parse_new_section() ->parse_action() )對於action而言最主要工作是:parse "init.rc" 遇到"on xxx" create "action"物件,加入到 action_list ,
再parse "on xxx"後每一行create "command"物件,加入到action物件的list "commands"

(3) /init當parse init.rc完後,會執行action 中的commands :

int main(int argc, char **argv){
/* execute all the boot actions to get us started */
action_for_each_trigger("init", action_add_queue_tail);
觀察init.rc 中有二種執行行為: actions(on [trigger name])和services 。

Actions are named sequences of commands. Actions have a trigger which
is used to determine when the action should occur. When an event
occurs which matches an action's trigger, that action is added to
the tail of a to-be-executed queue(action_queue) (action_for_each_trigger()做這一個動作).

Each action in the queue is dequeued in sequence and each command in
that action is executed in sequence(drain_action_queue()做這一個動作).

"mount mtd partions"是"on init"這一個action 中的一部份commands

on init
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev
(4)"mount mtd partions" 的command "mount"所對應的function 為"do_mount()"定義在"system/core/init/builtins.c", do_mount()會呼叫system call mount()去做真正的mount partion動作,而針對mtd partion mount的動作會用"mtd@"後的partition name向"/proc/mtd"確認mtd block device node(/dev/block/mtdblock%d),在emulator查看相關資訊即可明瞭:

# cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 04000000 00020000 "system"
mtd1: 04000000 00020000 "userdata"
mtd2: 04000000 00020000 "cache"
# ls -l /dev/block/mtd*
brw------- root root 31, 0 2009-08-28 12:47 mtdblock0
brw------- root root 31, 1 2009-08-28 12:47 mtdblock1
brw------- root root 31, 2 2009-08-28 12:47 mtdblock2

這樣做是比較有彈性的作法,由kernel訊息再決定mtd block device node。

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